St Joseph's School, Bangalore

Positive Parenting Session VI to VIII

July 22, 2023

"The golden rule of parenting is to do unto your child as you wish your parents had done unto you" - Louis Heart The Positive Parenting Session is for the parents to help them and improve their parenting styles. It gives them reinforcements to help their children grow in a positive and safe environment
Ms Sheeba compeered the session and Ms Sheeja invoked God's blessings on the resource person and the parents to gain more insight on the topics discussed.
Ms Anita Moras introduced the resource person of the day Mr Muralidhar Koteshwar who is the CEO of Upload and SimpliTrain, Chief Advisor at Pod.Ai, Director of Connecting the Dots, Founding Secretary of the Advanced Computing Society of India.
The session began with Mr Murlidhar Koteshwar saying positivity things to a child are paramount to its development. A child listens to nearly 625 times a day to the word 'NO'. We need to cultivate positivity in the children so that they learn through what and how their parents teach or behave in front of their children.
The children have to be given a safe space to talk openly about their lives and ask for help when needed. They have to also given a chance to make mistakes and learn from them and get repercussions out of them as well. The child has to be told clearly about the consequences of his/her wrong doings.
He concluded his session by teaching the parents a few techniques to breathe properly and to reduce stress and anxiety. Ms Divya K proposed the vote of thanks and thanked the audience, resource person and all the staff who were involved in the organisation of the program.